The GWH has the Bauer-Blues

Today the GWH has learned an important lesson: Women are able to change their minds within seconds. Or let me say: They are able to switch their sympathy like switching the light on or off. For the first time in his life the GWH had to face the fact that there could be other beings who get more attention than he usually gets. The name of his rival: Ralf Bauer.

For readers from abroad like Olaf from Malta: Mr. Ralf Bauer is a well known actor in Germany. A lot of women are crazy about him. Since Mr. Bauer has been separated from his former girlfriend Shermine Shahrivar, the “Miss Germany 2004”, maybe some new hopes have been evoked.

In the morning we met Mr. Bauer in the local TV-Station of the “ZDF” in Düsseldorf. My job was to give the audience some advice on how to finance a private real estate. This item came on topic because the German government plans to abolish the “eigenheimzulage” (a financial support from the government). Mr. Bauer’s job was much nicer: Sitting at the breakfast table he could talk about his hard life as an actor and what it means to be in limelight.

As far as I’m concerned I have to say that this sonny boy is a polite and friendly guy without any arrogant manner. But I guess the GWH don’t like him so much. The reason is that he is used to be the morning-star in the ZDF, he is used to earning the smiles of the mostly female staff. But today there was nothing like before: Nobody cared for GWH – all eyes of the female staff were on Mr. Ralf Bauer. And the eyes of the GWH were telling deep sorrow. From hero to zero…

Even back in the office the GWH had to suffer lack of attention caused by Mr. Bauer. When my colleague Jana came in and heard about the actor she didn’t play with GWH as she usually does. She wanted to see the recording of the show and for more than half an hour we had to listen to screamings like “so sweet”, “so cute, so…” But she was not talking about the GWH.

Cheer up, my friend. Women are able to change their minds within seconds. Tomorrow you will be the winner again.

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